Users Guide for
15-in-1 Casino Plug & Play
Model No.
Installing 15-in-1 Casino Plug & Play
Layout of 15-in-1 Casino Plug & Play
15-in-1 Casino Plug & Play requires four AAA batteries,
not included. Find the battery compartment on the back of the
unit. Use a small Phillips screwdriver to remove the screw. Lift
off the battery compartment lid. Install the batteries, making
sure to match polarity (+ and -) with the diagram inside the bat-
tery compartment. Place the tab of the battery compartment lid
into its slot and close the compartment door. Replace the
screw and tighten it carefully. Next, insert Plug & Play's dou-
ble-ended A/V cord into the RCA A/V outlets of your television
(match the yellow and white plugs to the yellow and white out-
lets). Set your television to VIDEO mode and flip the ON/OFF
switch at the base of the controller to the ON position. If the
Excalibur Electronics screen does not appear (see page 4),
press the reset button. Please see additional Battery
Information on page 38.
Functions of Buttons
DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD: Press to move the arrow icon over an area you
wish to select.
START: Press to begin a game from the game screen.
ON/OFF: Press to turn 15-in-1 Casino on and off.
RESET: Press to reset 15-in-1 Casino and return to the main menu.
15-in-1 Casino Plug & Play may lock
up due to static discharge. If this should
happen, press the button marked RESET
on the front of the unit.
SELECT: Press for a shortcut that moves the cursor directly to the action
icon in Roulette, Craps, Baccarat, Big Six and Pai Gow Poker..
A: In the game menu, press to activate a game; while playing a game, press
to activate game functions.
B: Press to remove bets on Roulette, Craps, Acey-Deucey, Baccarat, Big
Six, and Pai Gow Poker.
and blinds played in the hand.
Getting Started
with 15-in-1 Casino Plug & Play
After turning on your 15-in-1 Casino Plug & Play, you should
see the following screen (if you don't, press RESET):
ALL IN: Choose this icon when you don't have enough chips
to call the bet. You are betting all of your remaining chips. The
betting ceases after that completed round, all five community
cards are revealed, and the Showdown takes place.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
the game menu.
To begin the game, press A. On the Texas Hold 'Em open-
ing screen, the cursor icon points to the DEAL icon on the
Press START to bring up the game menu screen and use the
DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD to navigate the three game menu
screens. Use the START or A button to choose a game.
The 15-in-1 Casino Plug & Play offers popular Limit Texas
Hold 'Em, with blinds at $5 and $10 and limits at $10 and $20.
Blinds are advance bets (automatically placed for the two play-
ers to the left of the dealer) that rotate to the left with each hand.
Limits dictate how much can be bet at different points of the
hand. In this game, $10 is the bet amount in betting rounds one
and two, and $20 is the bet amount in betting rounds three and
four. The goal of Texas Hold 'Em is to create the best five-card
poker hand possible using your two Pocket or Hole cards (the
two cards dealt to you) and the five community cards dealt
throughout the hand.
Texas Hold 'Em Poker
DEAL: Choose this icon to deal a hand.
BET: Choose this icon to open the
betting round.
CHECK: Choose this icon to pass
the bet to the next player.
Your position is the player at the bottom left of the screen,
and you deal first (indicated by the yellow and white Dealer but-
ton to the bottom left of your cards). The cards are automatical-
ly dealt; yours are the only two face up. The betting round
begins when the first player (human or computer) makes his
play. When it is your turn to bet, a red icon flashing the word
CALL: Choose this icon to match the bet of a preceding player.
RAISE: Choose this icon to match and raise the bet of a pre-
ceding player.
FOLD: Choose this icon to forfeit your hand. You lose all bets
TURN appears on your cards, and the cursor points to your play
options at the bottom of the screen. Use the DIRECTIONAL
KEYPAD on your controller to choose your play (BET, RAISE,
CALL, or FOLD), and then press A. This begins the first round
of betting.
When you've got strong pocket cards, bet aggressively
before the Flop. This raises the value of the pot and
flushes out weak hands.
The computer automatically gives you the correct options
for play. For instance, in the first round, your options are CALL,
RAISE or FOLD. The blinds are considered advanced bets. It's
as if the small blind opened for $5 and the big blind raised it to
$10. The next player (the first to play) must then call the $10
bet, raise to $20, or fold.
Ranking of Hands
1. Royal Flush: Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace of the same suit.
2. Straight Flush: Straight (see #6 below) with all five cards in the
same suit.
3. Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same rank.
4. Full House: Three of a kind plus a pair.
PLAYING TIP: Texas Hold 'Em will automatically
choose your best five-card hand from your hole cards
and the community cards. Only the top five cards count
toward your hand.
5. Flush: Five cards of the same suit. If there is more than one
flush, the hand with the highest card wins.
6. Straight: Five cards in sequence. Cards can be in any suit. An
Ace can be used in the highest straight (10, J, Q, K, A) and the
lowest straight (A, 2, 3, 4, 5). If there is more than one straight,
the hand with the highest top card wins.
7. Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same rank.
After the first round of betting, the Flop (the first three com-
munity cards) is dealt. Another round of betting occurs, and
then the Turn (the fourth community card) is dealt. After a third
round of betting, the River (the fifth community card) is dealt.
After a fourth round of betting, the Showdown occurs, and each
player's cards are revealed. The player with the best hand wins
the POT, which has been tallied throughout the game at the top
center of the screen. The winnings will be automatically added
to the winning player's STASH and the hand icon then points to
the DEAL option. Press A to play another hand, or use the
DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD to select EXIT. You win the game
when you bankrupt the three computer players.
8. Two Pair: Two cards of the same rank plus two other cards of a
different rank.
9. One Pair: Two cards of the same rank.
10. High Card(s): The highest card or cards.
Some onscreen icons appear only when appropriate.
For example, in Roulette, SPIN will not appear
until you bet the minimum, and EXIT will appear
only between games.
The computer will tally the value of your two cards and dis-
play the numerical value to the left of your cards. The arrow
icon is now at the bottom left of the screen, where your play
choices are listed: HIT, STAND, or DOUBLE (Double Down).
Use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button to choose
a play.
DEAL: Choose this icon to deal a hand.
CHIPS: Choose the denomination of
the bets you wish to make.
HIT: Choose this icon to take one
card, increasing the value of the hand.
If you HIT, a third card is drawn and your new card value
is totaled in the box to the left of your cards. You may HIT as
many times as you wish, until you Bust (reach a total value over
21, in which case you lose the hand) or you select STAND and
the dealer's cards are revealed. Whoever's cards are closest to 21
without going over wins the hand.
STAND: Choose this icon to receive
no more cards from the dealer.
DOUBLE DOWN: Choose this icon to double your bet on
your first two cards.
If you STAND, you receive no more cards for the hand. The
dealer's cards are revealed and the values of the cards compared.
The player whose cards are closest to 21 without going over
wins the hand.
SPLIT: Choose this icon to split two cards of the same value
into two separate hands.
INSURANCE: Choose this icon if the dealer is showing an Ace
and you want to bet that the dealer's hand is Blackjack.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
the game menu.
HINT: Like most casino dealers, the computer
will always HIT at 16 and below and STAND
at 17 and above.
Press A to begin the game. On the Blackjack opening
screen, the arrow icon points to the first of three chips on the
bottom right: 10, 20, and 100. Use the DIRECTIONAL KEY-
PAD and the A button to make a bet between $20 and $250
(shown in the box at the upper left of the screen), which will be
automatically deducted from the BANK at the top right of the
screen and indicated in the BET box at the bottom left of the
screen. When you are finished, use the DIRECTIONAL KEY-
PAD and the A button to select DEAL.
If you DOUBLE DOWN, you place an additional bet equal
to your original bet in exchange for one card. The goal of dou-
bling down is to draw 21 with the one additional card.
Sometimes you will receive two cards of the same value
(two sevens, two Queens, a King and a ten). In these cases there
is a fourth option, which is SPLIT. If you split, the one hand is
made into two separate hands. A second bet equal to your orig-
inal bet is placed on the other hand, and they are played as two
separate hands (for example, one may lose and one may win).
Pai Gow Poker
DEAL: Choose this icon to deal a
PLAYING TIP: Clicking a chip with the B button will
reduce your bet by that denomination.
CHIPS: Choose the denomination of the
bets you wish to make.
RE-BET: Choose this icon to make
the same bet as in the previous hand.
Sometimes the dealer will show an Ace at the beginning of
the hand. An inset screen will appear, asking if you want to buy
INSURANCE. Insurance is a side bet equal to half of your orig-
inal bet, placed on the assumption that the dealer has Blackjack.
If he has Blackjack, the payout is 2-to-1, but you lose your orig-
inal bet. If he doesn't, you lose your INSURANCE bet and play
out the hand. Use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and then A to
accept or reject the INSURANCE bet.
HOUSEWAY: Choose this icon to have the computer create the best
five-card and two-card hand for you.
DONE: Choose this icon to confirm your play and reveal the dealer's hands.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
the game menu.
The WINNER is the player with the hand closest to, with-
out going over, 21. Winning a hand pays 1-to-1. If the dealer
and the player have the same value, the hand is a Push and the
player does not lose his bet. If you have Blackjack in your first
two cards (an Ace and a face card or a 10), the payout is 3-to-2,
unless the dealer also has Blackjack, in which case it is a Push.
On the Pai Gow opening screen, the arrow icon points to the
first of three chips at the bottom center of the screen: 10, 50, and
100. Use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button in any
combination to make a bet between $10 and $250, which is
automatically deducted from the BANK at the bottom right of
the screen and indicated in the BET box at the bottom left of the
screen. (In any hand following, you may choose the RE-BET
icon beneath the chips to make the same bet). When you are fin-
ished, use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button to
select DEAL. Seven cards are dealt face up. To play Pai Gow
Poker, divide the seven cards into two hands (using the tradi-
tional poker rankings on page 8): five cards in the high hand and
two cards in the low hand. Use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD
and the A button to select the two cards you want to place in the
CARD VALUES: Numerical cards have a value indicated
by their number. Kings, Queens, and Jacks are worth ten. Aces
can be worth one or eleven.
Most professional Blackjack players consider
Insurance a poor bet.
low hand. To remove cards from the low hand, use the DIREC-
TIONAL KEYPAD and the A button to select them again.
Choose DONE to reveal the dealer's cards and determine the
outcome of the hand.
The basic strategy for setting your hand is to make
the highest two-card hand that is less than your
five-card hand.
HINT: The high hand must outrank the low hand, or
Pai Gow Poker will flash "ERROR." You must then
make a legal hand.
Video Poker
If you are unsure how to divide your hands, choose the
HOUSEWAY icon at the bottom right of the screen and the
computer will select the best combination for you. Then choose
BET ONE: Choose this icon to insert
coins one by one.
BET MAX: Choose this icon to insert
five coins at once.
HINT: Pai Gow Poker is played with an entire deck of
cards, plus one Joker as a wild card. The Joker can only
be used as an Ace or to complete a Straight, Flush,
Straight Flush, or Royal Flush.
DEAL : Choose this icon to begin the
game, to accept your cards, or to replace the cards you released.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
the game menu.
The goal of Pai Gow is for your low hand to beat the deal-
er's low hand and for your high hand to beat the dealer's high
hand. If this happens, you win, and the payout is 1-to-1. If nei-
ther of your hands outrank the dealer's hands, you lose. If each
of you win one of the hands, then the hand is a push and you
keep your bet. A Copy occurs when one of your hands ranks
exactly the same as the dealer's hand. If you win one hand and
lose or Copy the other, this is considered a push, and you keep
your bet. If you lose one hand and the other is a Copy, you lose
the bet. A Double Copy occurs when both hands rank exactly
the same as the dealer's. The dealer wins a Double Copy.
On the Video Poker opening screen, the arrow icon points
to the BET ONE icon at the bottom left of the screen. Use the
DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button to bet one coin at
a time, up to five coins, or select BET MAX to bet five coins at
once. Next, choose DEAL .
Five cards will appear at the bottom of the screen. The goal
is to create the best five-card poker hand possible, with one
chance to replace some or all of the cards. The game will pay
off for hands with a pair of Jacks or better. Refer to the screen
above the cards for the payout of each hand. Refer to page 8 of
this manual for the ranking of poker hands. If you want to
release cards, click the ones you want to keep. HOLD will
appear above those cards. For a new hand, select no cards.
space where you want to place your bet. There must be between
$50 and $500 on the table. The bets can be spread out in any
way; you may place as many chips on one bet as you like, in any
combination, by using the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and A
buttons. The total bet amount for the table is tallied in the BET
box below the wheel. To remove bets, move the cursor over the
chip and press the B button. Press more than once to remove
multiple chips.
When you are satisfied, press DEAL. The bet is now final.
If your cards form one of the hands found on the payout screen,
YOU WIN flashes below the cards and the winning hand is
highlighted. The payout (according to how many coins you bet)
is indicated at the top right of the screen (PAID) and then moved
into the BANK at the bottom of the screen. If you lost, YOU
LOSE flashes below the cards. After a loss or a payout, the hand
icon automatically returns to BET ONE .
PLAYING TIP: The roulette table is split into two
screens, which automatically replace each other when
you move the hand icon to the left or right of the screen.
Always bet the maximum number of coins allowed.
Once you have placed your bets, choose the SPIN icon, or
press SELECT to move the cursor immediately to SPIN. The
wheel will spin and, as the wheel slows, a box will appear
beneath the wheel, showing a close-up view of the ball and the
numbers. Once the ball has landed on a number, the computer
will pan the screen, searching for winning bets. If there are
none, the hand icon returns to the 10 chip. If there are winning
chips, they flash, and your total winnings are transferred from
the BET box into the BANK. The hand icon will then return to
the 10 chip, ready for the next bet.
SPIN: Choose this icon to spin the
wheel after betting.
CHIPS: Choose the denomination of the
bets you wish to make.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current
game and return to the game menu.
On the Roulette opening screen, the hand icon points to the
10 chip. Using the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button,
place your bets by first selecting the chip denomination you
want to use (10, 20, or 100) and then moving the cursor to the
A box to the left of the Roulette table keeps track
of the last five winning numbers.
This bets on the 18 red numbers or the 18 black num-
bers. Place chip(s) in the relevant box. This bet pays 1
to 1.
A. Straight Bet
This is a bet that the roulette ball will land on any single
number, including 0 and 00. Place chip(s) directly on the
number. This bet pays 35 to 1.
H. 2-Number Bet
Chip(s) are placed on a line between two numbers. Each
number is part of the single bet. This bet pays 17 to 1.
B. Corner Bet
I. 3-Number Bet
Electronic Roulette allows corner bets, where chip(s) are
placed on the line(s) where four numbers converge.
Each number in the four squares is part of the single bet.
This bet pays 8 to 1.
Chip(s) are placed on the middle of the line at the bot-
tom of any stack of 3 consecutive numbers. For
instance, a bet placed on the middle of the line at the
bottom of the 7 zone wins on a 7, 8 or 9. Each number
is part of the single bet. This bet pays 11 to 1.
C. Column Bet
This bets on one of the three columns of numbers on the
table. Place chip(s) in one of the three boxes marked “2 to 1.”
The 12 non-sequential numbers beside the box are included
in the bet (except for 0 and 00). This bet pays 2 to 1.
J. 5-Number Bet
A 5-number bet is placed by putting a chip on the inter-
section of the 0, 00 and 2 zones. The 0, 00, 1, 2 and 3
win. This bet pays 6 to 1.
D. Dozen Bet
K. 6-Number Bet
This bets on 12 sequential numbers. Place chip(s) in one
of the boxes reading “1st 12” (1-12), “2nd 12” (13-24), or
“3rd 12” (25-36). The bet includes all 12 numbers above
the box. This bet pays 2 to 1.
A 6-Number Bet is placed by putting a chip on the bot-
tom line of the number boxes, between two rows of 3
numbers. For instance, a bet placed on the line at the
bottom of the 7 zone and the 10 zone in between the 7
and 10 wins on a 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12. Each number is
part of the single bet. This bet pays 5 to 1.
E. Low Bet and High Bet
This bets on 1-18 (Low bet) or 19-36 (High bet), excluding
0 and 00. Place chip(s) in the relevant box. This bet pays
1 to 1.
F. Even Bet and Odd Bet
15-in-1 Casino Plug & Play has an Auto Save
function. When the TV is turned off and then on at
a later time, the current game will resume.
This bets on the 18 even numbers or 18 odd numbers
on the table, excluding 0 and 00. Place chip(s) in the rel-
evant box. This bet pays 1 to 1.
G. Red Bet and Black Bet
will (1) remove losing chips, (2) remove winning chips and pay-
out the winnings into the TOTAL, and (3) leave chips on the
table that are ongoing bets.
ROLL: Choose this icon to roll the
The first roll in a new round of craps is called the Come Out
roll. In this roll, you can place every kind of bet except the
Come and Don't Come, Place, Buy, and Lay bets. To begin a
round, a bet must be placed on the Pass Line or Don't Pass Line.
On the Come Out roll, if a 7 or 11 (a Natural) is rolled, the round
ends. If a 2, 3, or 12 (Craps) is rolled, the round also ends. If a
4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 is rolled, that number becomes the POINT
(indicated on the screen by a large ON icon), and rolling contin-
ues until either the point or 7 is rolled. Bets can be made
between rolls.
dice after betting.
CHIPS: Choose the denomination of the
best you wish to make.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current
game and return to the game menu.
On the Craps opening screen, the arrow icon points to the
Pass Line. Using the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A but-
ton, place your bets by first selecting chip denomination (5, 25,
or 100) and then moving the hand icon to the space where you
want to place your bet.
If you're winning, raise your bets in a way that's
comfortable to you. If you're losing, lower them.
There must be at least $5 on the table. Up to $500 can be
placed on any betting position. There is no maximum amount
you can put on the table. The bets can be spread out in any way;
place as many chips on one bet as you like, in any combination,
by using the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and A buttons. The
total bet amount for the table is tallied in the TOTAL BET box.
To remove bets, move the hand icon over the chip and press the
B button. Press more than once to remove multiple chips. Once
you have placed your bets, choose the ROLL icon. The dice will
roll (in the box at the top right of the screen) and the computer
A. Pass Line Bet
In the Come Out Roll, if you have placed a bet on the
Pass Line, you win with a roll of 7 or 11, and lose if a
“craps” number (2, 3, or 12) is rolled. If any of those
numbers come up, the round is finished and the next roll
will be a new Come Out Roll. If a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 is
rolled, that number becomes the point. After the point is
established, to win the Pass Line bet you must roll the
point number before you roll a 7. Pass Line bets that
have not been lost or won cannot be removed. The Pass
HINT: In order to initiate a Come Out roll, you must
place either a Pass Line or Don't Pass bet.
Line bet stays in place until the point or a 7 is rolled. The
Pass Line bet pays 1 to 1.
chip(s) in the Don't Come Bar will be moved to the
boxes corresponding to the come point: 4, 5, SIX, 8,
NINE or 10. The Don't Come bet stays in place until the
come point or a 7 is rolled. If 7 is rolled, you win, and if
the come point is rolled, you lose. The Don't Come bet
pays 1 to 1.
B. Don't Pass Bet
Betting Don't Pass is nearly the opposite of the Pass
Line bet; you win if you roll 2 or 3 on the Come Out roll
and lose with 7 or 11. Rolling 12 is a push. After the point
has been established, 7 must be rolled before the point in
order to win. If the point is rolled again before the 7, the
Don't Pass bet loses. The Don't Pass bet pays 1 to 1.
E. Field Bet
This bets that the next roll of the dice will be 2, 3, 4, 9,
10, 11, or 12. Place the chip(s) in the Field box. If the
next roll is 3, 4, 9, 10, or 11, the Field bet pays 1 to 1. If
2 or 12 is rolled, the Field bet pays 2 to 1. If 5, 6, 7 or 8
is rolled, the Field bet loses.
C. Come Bet
The Come bet works exactly like a Pass Line bet, except
that it can only be made after the point has already been
established. Place the chip(s) in the Come box after the
Come Out Roll. You win if the Come point is rolled
before a 7 is rolled. You lose if a 7 is rolled before the
Come point. When you roll 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 in the next
roll, that number becomes the “come point” and the
chip(s) in the Come box will be moved to the boxes at
the top of the table corresponding to the come point: 4,
5, SIX, 8, NINE, or 10. The Come bet stays in place until
the come point or 7 is rolled. If you roll the come point
again before rolling a 7, you win the Come bet. The
Come bet pays 1 to 1.
F. Place Bet
This bet works only after the point has been deter-
mined. Place the chip(s) in the Place Bets box under the
corresponding number box: 4, 5, SIX, 8, NINE, and 10.
You win if the number you bet on is rolled before a 7. If
you bet on 4 or 10, the Place Bet will pay 9 to 5; 5 or 9
pays 7 to 5, and 6 or 8 pays 7 to 6. If 7 is rolled first, the
Place bet loses.
G. Buy Bet
This bets that a number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will be
rolled before a 7. Place the chip(s) in the middle of the
corresponding number boxes: 4, 5, SIX, 8, NINE, or 10.
The Buy bet pays 6 to 5 on 6 and 8, 3 to 2 on 5 and 9,
and 2 to 1 on 4 and 10.
D. Don't Come Bet
The Don't Come bet works exactly like a Don't Pass bet,
except that it can only be placed after a point has
already been established. Place the chip(s) in the Don't
Come Bar after the Come Out roll. If the next roll is a 2
or a 3, you win the Don't Come bet. You lose if the roll is
7 or 11. A roll of 12 is a push. When the next roll is 4, 5,
6, 8, 9, or 10, it becomes the “come point” and the
H. Lay Bet
A Lay bet is the opposite of a Place bet. This bets that 7
will be rolled before a number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10).
Place the chip(s) in the Lay Bets box above the corre-
sponding number boxes : 4, 5, SIX, 8, NINE, or 10. The
Lay bet pays 5 to 6 on 6 and 8, 2 to 3 on 5 and 9, and 1
to 2 on 4 and 10.
N. Craps 12 Bet
This bets that the next roll of the dice will be 12. Place
the chip(s) in the box containing the two illustrated dice
that add up to 12. If 12 is rolled, the Craps 12 bet will
pay 30 to 1.
I. Hardway Bet
This bets that you will roll 4, 6, 8, or 10 as doubles
before rolling 7 or the number in the “easy” way. Rolling
doubles is said to be rolling the number in the “hard” way
(e.g. hard six : 3+3), while rolling 1+5 or 2+4 is the
“easy” way (easy six). Place the chip(s) in the box con-
taining the two illustrated dice corresponding to the num-
ber. Hard Six and Hard Eight pay 9 to 1. Hard Ten and
Hard Four pay 7 to 1.
O. Any Craps Bet
This bets that the next roll of the dice will be craps (2, 3,
or 12). Place the chip(s) in the Any Craps box. You can
also place an Any Craps bet by placing a chip on one of
the Cs to the left of the one-roll bets. If 2, 3, or 12 is
rolled, Any Craps bet will pay 7 to 1.
P. Horn Bet
J. Seven Bet
This is a 4-way bet that the next roll of the dice will be 2,
3, 11, or 12. In effect, it combines all three Craps bets
and the Eleven bet. the Craps 2 bet will pay 30 to 1 on
$20, but you lose $60 for the Craps 3, Craps 12, and
Eleven bets. The Horn bet carries a minimum $80 ($20
for each bet). Place the $80 chip in the Horn Bet box. If
one of those numbers are rolled, the winning bet is paid
according to the payout shown on the screen; but, you
will lose on the other three bets.
This bets that the next roll of the dice will be 7. Place the
chip(s) in the Seven box under ONE ROLL. If 7 is rolled,
the Seven bet will pay 4 to 1.
K. Eleven Bet
This bets that the next roll of the dice will be 11. Place
the chip(s) in the box containing the two illustrated dice
that add up to 11. You can also place an Eleven bet by
placing a chip on one of the Es to the left of the one-roll
bets. If 11 is rolled, the Eleven bet will pay 15 to 1.
Q. Big 6 and Big 8 Bets
L. Craps 2 Bet
These bet that the next roll of the dice will be 6 or 8.
Place the chip(s) in the Big 6 or Big 8 box. Big 6 and Big
8 bets pay 1 to 1.
This bets that the next roll of the dice will be 2. Place the
chip(s) in the box containing the two illustrated dice that
add up to 2. If 2 is rolled, the Craps 2 bet will pay 30 to 1.
R. Odds Bets
M. Craps 3 Bet
An Odds bet is a backup bet on a Pass/Don't Pass
Come/Don't Come bet already on the table, placed at
two times the original bet. Pass Odds and Come Odds
pay 2 to 1 on a roll of 4 or 10, 3 to 2 on 5's and 9's, and
This bets that the next roll of the dice will be 3. Place the
chip(s) in the box containing the two illustrated dice that
add up to 3. If 3 is rolled, the Craps 3 bet will pay 15 to 1.
6 to 5 on 6's and 8's. Don't Pass Odds and Don't Come
Odds pay 1 to 2 on a roll of 4 or 10, 2 to 3 on 5's and
9's, and 5 to 6 on 6's and 8's.
5 Card Draw
DEAL: Choose this icon to start the
BET: Choose this icon to place the first
bet of the round.
INSERT COIN: Choose this icon to
bet one $5 chip and one payline. Press
multiple times to bet more, up to the
maximum of $25 and five paylines.
CHECK: Choose this icon to pass the bet to the next player.
CALL: Choose this icon to match the bet of the preceding
MAX BET: Choose this icon to bet
$25 and all paylines.
RAISE: Choose this icon to match and raise the bet of the pre-
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
ceding player.
the game menu.
FOLD: Choose this icon to forfeit your hand. You lose all bets
played in the hand.
On the Slots opening screen, move the cursor to INSERT
COIN or MAX BET. Inserting one coin will be the first payline,
two coins will be the first and second paylines, and so on. When
you select MAX BET, all five paylines are bet. The total bet will
appear in the BET box to the right of the screen. Use the
DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button to select SPIN.
HOLD: After the first betting round, select the card to release
the hold on any or all of your cards to make the best five-card
poker hand possible.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
the opening screen. Press START to enter the game menu.
The computer pays out according to the charts at the top left
and right of the screen. If you hit any of the combinations, your
total winnings are registered in the WIN box to the right of the
screen and then transferred into your BANK at the bottom right.
On the 5 Card Draw opening screen, the arrow icon points
to the DEAL icon. A $25 ante will automatically be placed for
your five cards. When it is your turn to bet (indicated by the
revolving playing card icon), use the DIRECTIONAL KEY-
PAD button and the A button to select the amount you wish to
bet, between $25 and $250, and then choose CALL or RAISE.
However, if you decide to CALL, CHECK, or FOLD, there is
no need to enter a bet amount; just choose the appropriate icon.
When you are on a winning streak, up your bet to the
maximum for two or three spins.
Upon each turn, you have the opportunity to CHECK, CALL,
RAISE, or FOLD, depending on the circumstances. Like Texas
Hold 'Em, 5 Card Draw will only offer the available options for
each turn.
ALL IN: Choose this icon to place all of your remaining chips
in the pot, enabling you to stay in the game even if you don't
have enough chips to continue betting.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
After the first round of betting, the word HOLD will appear
at the top of each card. Use the arrow icon to select card(s) to
replace, in an effort to make the best five-card poker hand pos-
sible (see page 7 for a ranking of poker hands). Select the card
again if you've made a mistake. You are not obligated to release
any cards. Choose DEAL to replace the unheld cards and to
begin the second betting round. At the end of the second betting
round, the winner will automatically be awarded the pot and
each player's hand displayed.
the game menu.
On the 7 Card Stud opening screen, the cursor points to
the DEAL icon. Press the A button to place a $25 ante. On the
first deal, each player is dealt three cards; your three are face
up, and the third of the other two players' is also face up.
When it is your turn to bet (indicated by the revolving playing
card icon), use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD button and the
A button to select the amount you wish to bet, from $25 to
$250, and then choose CALL or RAISE. However, if you
decide to CALL, CHECK, or FOLD, there is no need to enter
a bet amount. Upon each turn, you have the opportunity to
CHECK, CALL, RAISE, or FOLD, depending on the circum-
stances. 7 Card Stud will only offer the available options for
each turn.
If you don't have at least a pair, fold.
7 Card Stud
After the first round of betting, a fourth card is dealt face up
to each player. Another round of betting occurs, and then a
fifth card is dealt face up to each player. After another round
of betting, the sixth card is dealt, also face up. After another
round of betting, the seventh card is dealt, face up to you and
face down to the other players. A final round of betting occurs,
and then the player with the best five-card poker hand (see
page 8 for a ranking of poker hands) wins the pot.
DEAL: Choose this icon to start the game.
BET: Choose this icon to place the first
bet of the round.
CALL: Choose this icon to match the bet
of the preceding player.
RAISE: Choose this icon to match and raise the bet of the pre-
ceding player.
FOLD: Choose this icon to forfeit your hand. You lose all bets
played in the hand.
Antes are cheap–don't get attached to them. If you have
a poor or mediocre hand, fold.
at the top of the screen. At this point you may either raise the bet
and press DEAL or simply press DEAL to collect your third card.
If the card is within the spread, you win the specific payout
marked on the chart at the top of the screen. If the card is the same
as one of the cards or is outside the spread, you lose the hand.
DEAL: Choose this icon to start the
RE-BET: Choose this icon to make the
same bet as in the previous hand.
The payout is largest on the smallest spreads–
so if you want to take a chance, raise!
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to the
game menu.
On the Acey-Deucey opening screen, the arrow icon points
to the DEAL icon. Use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the
A button to make a bet between $10 and $200 and then press
DEAL. Two cards are dealt.
DEAL: Choose this icon to start the
In Acey-Deucey, the object is to bet on the spread between
the two cards. Payouts are listed in the yellow chart at the top of
the screen. Following are the possible combinations:
RE-BET: Choose this icon to make the
same bet as in the previous hand.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
the opening screen. Press START to enter the game menu.
• If you are dealt two consecutive (CONS) cards (5-6, J-Q, A-2)
there is no spread and the hand is a push.
• If you are dealt a pair (4-4, K-K), a third card is automatical-
ly dealt. If that card is the same, you have a 3 of a Kind (K-K-
K) and the payout is 11-1. If that card is not the same, the hand
is a push.
On the Baccarat opening screen, the arrow icon points to
the first of three chips at the bottom center of the screen: 25, 50,
and 100. Use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button in
any combination to make a bet between $25 and $250. Select
PLAYER, TIE, or BANKER to place your bet. Press DEAL to
begin the game.
• If you are dealt two cards not a pair and not consecutive, then
the number of cards between them establishes the spread (for
example, 2 and 4 have a spread of 1, 6 and Queen have a spread
of 5). Note: In Acey-Deucey, Ace = 1, Jack = 11, Queen = 12,
and King = 13. Acey-Deucey will mark the spread on the chart
The PLAYER and the BANKER each receive two cards
face up. In Baccarat, regardless of suit, the Ace is worth 1, 2
through 9 are worth their face value, and the ten, Jack, Queen,
and King are all worth zero. Each player's hand, consisting of
either two or three cards, will be a value between zero and 9, as
value of the cards is the total value of the right hand digit. For
example, an 8 and a 7 totals 15, so therefore the hand would
have a value of 5. A Jack and a 6 has a total value of 6, as the
Jack is worth zero. The winning hand closest to a value of 9.
Big 6
SPIN: Choose this icon to spin the
wheel after betting.
RE-BET: Choose this icon to make the
same bet as in the previous hand.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the cur-
rent game and return to the game menu.
A third card is sometimes drawn according to the following
• If either the Player or the Banker has a total of an 8 or 9, they
both stand.
On the Big 6 opening screen, the arrow icon points to the
first of three chips at the bottom center of the screen: 5, 25, and
100. Use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button in any
combination to make a bet between $10 and $200, placing the
chips on the bets below the wheel, putting all the money on one
bet or spreading it among several. The seven betting options
below the wheel list the payout as well as the bet. When you
have finished betting, press SPIN. If the wheel lands on one of
your bets, you win and the payout is made. If you lose, you can
RE-BET or place new bets.
• If the Player's total is 5 or less, the Player hits. Otherwise, the
Player stands.
• If the Player stands, the Banker hits on a total of 5 or less.
The user can bet on the Player, the Banker, or Tie. In the
case that the user bets on the Player and wins, the payout is 1 to
1. A win by the Banker is a loss and a Tie is a push. In the case
that the user bets on the Banker and wins, the payout is 1 to 1
(minus a 5% house commission). A win by the Player is a loss
and a Tie is a push. In the case that the user bets on a Tie and a
Tie occurs, the payout is 8 to 1. If there is no tie, then the user
loses the bet.
To play longer, spread out your bets. To try to win
quickly, concentrate your bets on the largest payouts.
To make the most of a streak, use a scorecard to
keep track of which player won the last hand.
When you're ready to make a bet, place it on the
hand that won most recently.
PLAYING TIP: Clicking a chip with the B button
will reduce your bet by that denomination.
screen, YOU WIN flashes below the cards and the winning
hand is highlighted on the payout screen. The payout (according
to how many coins you bet) is indicated at the top right of the
screen (PAID) and then moved into the BANK at the bottom of
the screen. If you lost, YOU LOSE flashes below the cards.
After a loss or a payout, the arrow icon automatically returns to
Deuces Wild Video Poker
BET ONE: Choose this icon to insert
coins one by one.
BET FIVE: Choose this icon to insert 5
coins at once.
DEAL: Choose this icon to begin the
game, to accept your cards, or to
replace the cards you released.
You will toss all five cards almost 20% of the time.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
the game menu.
Gin Rummy
On the Deuces Wild opening screen, the arrow icon points
to the BET ONE icon at the bottom left of the screen. Use the
DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button to bet one coin at
a time, up to five coins, and select DEAL. Or select BET 5 to
bet five coins at once, and select DEAL.
DEAL: Choose this icon to start the
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the cur-
rent game and return to the game
Your cards will be dealt automatically. The goal is to create
the best five-card poker hand possible, with one chance to
replace some or all of the cards. Deuces are wild cards. Refer to
the screen above the cards for the payout of each hand. Refer to
page 8 of this manual for an explanation of poker hands.
On the Gin Rummy opening screen, the cursor points to the
DEAL button. Press to deal the ten cards of the hand. The first
deal is your opponent's, and you have the option to PASS the
first play, or to take a card from the stack (face down) or the dis-
card pile (face up).
If you want to replace all your cards, press DEAL to receive
five new cards. If you want to hold cards, use the DIRECTION-
AL KEYPAD and the A button to select which cards to keep. As
each is selected, HOLD will appear above the card. Select the
same card again to deactivate the card. When you are satisfied,
press DEAL to replace the cards and finalize the bet. If your
hand contains one of the combinations found on the above
The object of Gin Rummy is to organize your cards into
Melds. Melds are three or more cards forming either a set (333,
JJJ) or a sequence (8-9-10-J of Spades, A-2-3 of Hearts). Aces
can only be placed in a low sequence of A-2-3-4, etc., and not
in a high sequence, such as 10-J-Q-K-A.
Deadwood in the opponent's hand
Hand Points: total points earned in the hand
Players take turns drawing a card either from the stack or
the discard pile. Because you must always hold 10 cards in your
hand, when you take a card, you must discard one as well. The
discard card can be one of the cards already in your hand or the
one just chosen from the stack.
Layoff Points: value of Deadwood added to the Knocker's
Hands Won: total number of hands won
Total Points: total number of points earned; winner is the first
Players continue to draw and discard until one player
Knocks. To Knock is to end the hand by exposing your cards
grouped into Melds. You may, but are not obligated to, Knock
when the value of your Deadwood (unmelded cards) equals 10
or less. To determine this, count Aces as 1, number cards at their
face value, and face cards as 10. When you are able to Knock,
the computer will flash a Knock icon by your hand. You can
either select the Knock icon or continue to play the hand by
drawing a card from the stack or discard pile. When your oppo-
nent Knocks, his cards are displayed. The computer will auto-
matically Lay Off as much of your Deadwood cards as possible
(join your cards to the Knocker's melds, such as joining a 3 with
your opponent's 333, or adding 5 to A-2-3-4). Press A to go to
the scoring screen, which shows the following:
to reach 100
Play to knock as quickly as possible.
ROUND 1: Choose this icon to play
one round.
ROUND 5: Choose this icon to play
five rounds.
ROUND 10: Choose this icon to play
Deadwood: total value of unmelded cards
10 rounds.
Deadwood Points: the difference between the value of the
winner's and loser's Deadwood, awarded to the winner
RE-BET: Choose this icon to play the same rounds with the same
Undercut Bonus: if the Deadwood of the opponent is equal to
or less than the player who Knocks, the Knocker has been
"undercut," and the opponent earns the difference in points plus a
20 point bonus.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
the game menu.
Gin Bonus: when a player has no Deadwood and all cards are
Melded; earns a 25 point bonus in addition to the value of the
On the Keno opening screen, the arrow icon points to
ROUND 1. Use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A but-
ton to select three to fifteen numbers on the Keno board.
(Selected numbers are red. To deselect a number, use the
DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button to choose the num-
ber again.) As you select numbers, payouts are listed to the right
of the board. When you have finished selecting numbers,
choose ROUND 1 to play one round, ROUND 5 to play five
rounds with the same numbers, and ROUND 10 to play ten
rounds with the same numbers. Keno randomly selects 20 num-
bers in each round, and the HITS are reflected at the bottom
right of the screen in the Results box. After the Round(s) are fin-
ished, you may choose different numbers and rounds or select
RE-BET to play the same Rounds with the same numbers.
Battery Information
15-in-1 Casino Plug & Play uses 4 AAA batteries, not included.
Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium)
Do not mix old and new batteries.
Do not use rechargeable batteries.
Remove exhausted batteries from the unit.
Do not short circuit battery terminals.
Remove batteries and store them in a cool, dry place when not in use.
To avoid explosion or leakage, do not dispose of batteries in a fire or attempt to
recharge alkaline or other non-rechargeable batteries.
Install batteries so that the polarity (+ and -) matches the diagrams in the
battery compartment.
Use only batteries of the same type and equivalence.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Play your numbers in patterns, rather than spreading
them out over the board.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digi-
tal device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reason-
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
Special Care and Handling
Avoid rough handling such as bumping or dropping.
Avoid moisture and extreme temperatures. For best results, use
between the temperatures of 39ºF and 100ºF (4º C and 38º C).
Clean using only a slightly damp cloth. Do not use cleaners with chemical agents.
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
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