Generating Certificates
Revised: March 27, 2006, OL-8880-01
This chapter provides a general overview of the steps involved in generating RSA keys and certificates
without reference to specific tools. Following the overview, the sections Generating Certificates with
OpenSSL and Windows Certificate Authority.
The actual mechanics of certificate generation are highly dependent on the tools used as well as the local
security policies in effect. Some tools and policies might condense the three steps shown below into
fewer (possibly one) steps or expand them into more steps. The degree of automation and direct user
involvement also varies greatly and can range from a simple web form-based model with automatic
certificate distribution to a more complicated procedure with multiple user interactions. Some CAs are
set up to support online operations including certificate production while others might operate strictly
offline and require more manual involvement.
RSA Key Generation
RSA keys have certain mathematical and cryptographic properties that require special software tools for
the generation. Some tools will ask you to type on the keyboard during generation to create a source of
randomness. This is because RSA keys are based on large random numbers.
RSA key pairs have two essential parameters that must be specified during creation. The first parameter
is the key type which is always RSA. The second parameter is the key length in bits which can vary from
512 to 4096 bits (or even more). The key length is usually specified as part of the customers’ security
policy and it is difficult to give a generally applicable recommendation for it.
Certificate Request Creation
A Certificate Request (CR) is information packaged with the public key that specifies the type and
general content of the desired certificate. It is usually packaged in a format based on PKCS#10 (one of
the PKCS standards documented by RFC 2986) or Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF), an
emerging standard from the IETF. The format of the CR is usually not important as long as the tools used
to create and process it are compatible.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Generating Certificates with OpenSSL
export OPENSSL_CONF /opts/open/openssl.cnf
Specifying the –config option on the command line
openssl <additional parameters> config ./openssl.cnf
The CA and CA_Default sections of the openssl.cnf file are particularly important because they specify
information related to the configuration of a CA. Figure 2-1 shows an example of an openssl.cnf file,
from the OpenSSL distribution.
Figure 2-1
Exam ple openssl.cnf File
[ ca ]
= CA_default
# The default ca section
[ CA_default ]
= ./ca
= $dir/cert
= $dir/crl
= $dir/index.txt
= $dir/newcerts
# Where everything is kept
# Where the issued certs are kept
# Where the issued crl are kept
# database index file.
# default place for new certs.
= $dir/root-cert.pem
= $dir/serial
= $dir/crl.pem
# The CA certificate
# The current serial number
# The current CRL
= $dir/private/root-key.pem # The private key
= $dir/private/.rand # private random number file
x509_extensions = usr_cert
# The extentions to add to the cert
# Comment out the following two lines for the "traditional"(and highly broken) format.
= ca_default
= ca_default
# Subject Name options
# Certificate field options
# Extension copying option: use with caution.
# copy_extensions = copy
# Extensions to add to a CRL. Note: Netscape communicator chokes on V2 CRLs
# so this is commented out by default to leave a V1 CRL.
# crl_extensions = crl_ext
default_crl_day s= 30
= 365
# how long to certify for
# how long before next CRL
# which md to use.
= md5
= no
# keep passed DN ordering
# A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look
# For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional
# and supplied fields are just that :-)
= policy_match
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Generating Certificates with OpenSSL
Required Certificate Extensions
PEAP and EAP-TLS require server certificates to include an extendedKeyUsage extension of TLS Server
Authentication and client certificates to include an extendedKeyUsage extension of TLS Client
Authentication. These extensions can be placed in a configuration file referenced on the openssl
command line.
The following is an example of the required certs-exts.cnf extensions file:
[ server_exts ]
extendedKeyUsage =
[ client_exts ]
extendedKeyUsage =
Creating Test Certificates and Keys
Use the openssl command line tool to create certificates and keys for testing PEAP. The following
sections provide examples of how to create a simple certificate hierarchy that consists of a single CA
certificate, a single server certificate, and a single client certificate. Additional certificates and keys can
be produced as needed for testing purposes.
Long commands are shown on multiple lines, and some of the commands will prompt you for additional
Creating a CA Directory
To create a CA directory, enter the following commands as a root user:
mkdir ca
cd ca
mkdir certs private reqs
echo ‘01’ > serial
touch index.txt
chmod 0700 private
cd ..
Creating a Self-signed CA Root Certificate and RSA Key
Use the following command sequence to create a self-signed CA root certificate and RSA key.
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:1024 –keyout ./ca/private/root-key.pem -keyform PEM
-out ./ca/certs/root-cert.pem -outform PEM -config ./openssl.cnf
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Generating Certificates with OpenSSL
Use the following command to display the certificate:
openssl x509 –in ./ca/certs/root-cert.pem –text
Converting a CA Certificate to PKCS#12
Use the following command sequence to convert a CA certificate to PKCS#12 format. This process is
useful for importing a CA certificate to a Windows PC for testing purposes.
cat ./ca/certs/root-cert.pem ./ca/private/root-key.pem > ./ca/private/root-all.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -in ./ca/private/root-all.pem -out ./ca/certs/root-cert.p12
Creating a Server Certificate Request and RSA Key
Use the following command sequence to create a server certificate request and RSA key.
openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout ./ca/private/server-key.pem -keyform PEM
-out ./ca/reqs/server-req.pem -outform PEM -config ./openssl.cnf
Creating a Server Certificate from the Request
Use the following command sequence to create a server certificate from the request and reference the
certificate extensions file and required server certificate extension.
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ./ca/reqs/server-req.pem -CA ./ca/certs/root-cert.pem
-CAkey ./ca/private/root-key.pem -CAserial ./ca/serial -extfile ./ca/cert-exts.cnf
-extensions server_exts -out ./ca/certs/server-cert.pem
Use the following command to display the server certificate:
openssl x509 –in ./ca/certs/server-cert.pem –text
Creating a Client Certificate Request
Use the following command sequence to create a client certificate request.
openssl req -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout ./ca/private/client-key.pem -keyform PEM
-out ./ca/reqs/client-req.pem -outform PEM -config ./openssl.cnf
Creating a Client Certificate from the Request
Use the following command sequence to create a client certificate from the request and reference the
certificate extensions file and required client certificate extension.
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ./ca/reqs/client-req.pem -CA ./ca/certs/root-cert.pem
-CAkey ./ca/private/root-key.pem -CAserial ./ca/serial -extfile ./ca/cert-exts.cnf
-extensions client_exts -out ./ca/certs/client-cert.pem
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Use the following command to display the server certificate:
openssl x509 –in ./ca/certs/client-cert.pem –text
Converting a Client Certificate and Private Key to PKCS#12
Use the following command sequence to convert a client certificate and private key to PKCS#12. This
process is useful for importing a client certificate to a Windows PC for testing.
cat ./ca/certs/client-cert.pem ./ca/private/client-key.pem > ./ca/private/client-all.pem
openssl pkcs12 –export –in client-all.pem –out client-all.p12
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
This section provides examples of creating certificates using the Windows Certificate Authority
(Windows CA). The Windows CA provides a web-based interface for requesting and retrieving
certificates. The web forms permit you to create a new key pair or use an existing key, specify the desired
certificate fields and attributes, and to submit the request to the CA for processing.
The Windows CA component is only available on Windows Server OS, not on client OS (such as
Windows 2000 Pro or Windows XP). To generate certificates you will need a Windows Server set up and
the Windows CA configured.
Usually an administrator will be required to manually review and grant or deny the request before the
certificate can be accessed. (Windows CA can also be configured to automatically grant requests without
administrator intervention.) The Certification Authority snap-in of the Microsoft Management Console
(MMC) is used to review certificate requests and take the appropriate action. It can also be used for other
purposes such as certificate revocation, renewal, etc.
After a certificate has been issued by the Windows CA it must be exported to a file so that it can be
transported to the machine where it will be used. Although Windows can export certificates in DER or
PEM format, if the corresponding private key is required (as it is for server and client certificates) then
the certificate and private key will be bundled into a PKCS#12-formatted file. Since the required format
for our purposes is PEM, the PKCS#12 content must be reformatted appropriately.
The following examples show an extremely simple certificate hierarchy consisting of two levels and
three certificates. Most realistic certificate hierarchies will contain one or more levels of intermediate
CA certificates. Since the root-level certificate is created when the Windows CA product is installed and
configured, those steps are not shown here. The examples assume that the Windows CA has been
configured for standalone operation, but the steps are essentially the same for other configurations.
The following examples assume that the Windows Certificate Authority product has been installed and
configured. Since the exact installation steps vary depending on the version of Windows Certificate
Authority and its configuration, those steps are not shown here. Refer to the appropriate Microsoft
documentation for information about how to install Windows Certificate Authority.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Generating a Server Certificate
This section describes how to generate a server certificate.
Step 1
Use your browser to access the Windows Certificate Services web form using a URL like the following:
http://server-name/certsrv. In the example below, the server name is w2ks.
Figure 2-2
Window s Certificate Services Form
Step 2
Select Request a Certificate and click Next.
The next window enables you to select the type of certificate request.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-3
Selecting Certificate Request Type
Step 3
Select Advanced request and click Next.
The next window enables you to select the method used to request the certificate.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-4
Advanced Certificate Requests
Step 4
Select Submit a certificate request to the CA using a form, then click Next.
information content. You need only specify a few items; use the default values for the others.
In the Identifying Information section, Name is usually the name of the server. Use the default values of
the other fields.
In the Intended Purpose section, select Server Authentication Certificate.
In the Key Options section, select Mark keys as exportable.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-5
Advanced Certificate Request Form
Step 5
After you provide the information required for the form, click Submit to submit the request.
Depending on your configuration, you might be asked to confirm your request.
The next window acknowledges receipt of the request and advises you to check back later to retrieve the
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-6
Certificate Pending
Step 6
Click Home (near upper right corner of form) to return to the Certificate Services home page.
Generating a Client Certificate
The procedure to generate a client certificate is very similar to the procedure to generate a server
certificate. The only significant differences are the value of the Name field and the Intended Purpose on
the Advanced Certificate Request page.
Because this is a client certificate, the Name field should contain the user ID if the certificate is for an
individual or the machine name if the certificate is for a computer. The value of the Intended Purpose
field must be set to Client Authentication Certificate.
Figure 2-7 shows an example of the Advanced Certificate Request form for requesting a client
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Certificate Retrieval
From the Certificate Services home page, select Check on a pending certificate.
Figure 2-8 Exam ple of Check Pending Certificate Request
Step 7
Click Next to proceed.
Figure 2-9 shows an example of the pending certificates requests.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-9
Check Pending Certificate Requests
Step 8
Select the appropriate request from the list and click Next.
If the certificate you request has not yet been granted, the Certificate Pending window displays as shown
Figure 2-10
Certificate Pending w ith Rem ove Option
Assuming that the certificate request was approved, the server displays the Certificate Issued window
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-11
Certificate Issued
Step 9
Click Install this certificate to continue.
Depending on your configuration, you might be asked to confirm your request.
Figure 2-12 shows a confirmation of successful certificate installation.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-12
Certificate Installed Confirm ation
Exporting Server and Client Certificates
The certificate and private key must be exported from Windows before they can be installed on another
machine. The easiest way to do this is to use the browser. This example uses Internet Explorer version
5.0. The procedure is the same for server and client certificates.
Navigate to the Certificates dialog box with these steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Open the Tools menu.
Select Internet Options…
Click the Content tab.
Click Certificates.
The Certificates dialog box will display the certificates installed on this computer, as shown in
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-13
Certificates Dialog
Step 5
Select the appropriate certificate to export and click Export… to initiate the Certificate Export Wizard
Figure 2-14
Certificate Export Wizard
Click Next to continue. The Export Private Key window displays as shown in Figure 2-15, which enables
you to export the private key with the certificate.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-15
Export Private Key
Step 6
Select Yes, export the private key and click Next to continue.
The next window allows you to select the format of the certificate file. Since we are exporting both the
certificate and the private key, the only format permitted is PKCS#12.
Figure 2-16
Export File Form at
Step 7
Click Next to continue.
The next screen prompts you to enter the password used to protect the PKCS#12 content.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-17
Export Wizard Password
After entering the password, click Next to continue.
The next screen prompts you to specify (or browse to) the name of file to export.
Figure 2-18
File to Export
Step 8
After entering the file name, click Next to continue.
Figure 2-19 shows the settings selected through the Certificate Export wizard.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-19
Com pleting the Certificate Export
Step 9
Click Finish to complete the export operation.
Figure 2-20
Successful Export
Exporting CA Certificates
The procedure shown in Exporting Server and Client Certificates, page 2-16, can also be used to export
CA certificates. In the Certificates dialog box, click the appropriate tab for either Intermediate
Certification Authorities or Trusted Root Certification Authorities and scroll the list to locate the
certificate you want to export. (Other categories might also be present depending on how the certificate
store is configured.)
Figure 2-21 shows an example of the certificates to export window.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Figure 2-21
Certificates to Export
The rest of the procedure is the same as for server and client certificates except that usually the private
key of CA certificates are not exported. In that case, the enabled exported certificate file format options
will be a little different. Instead of just PKCS#12, the two formats will be DER or Base-64 encoded DER
Figure 2-22
Export File Form ats
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Converting PKCS#12 to PEM
A certificate and private key that have been exported from Windows will generally be encapsulated in a
single file in PKCS#12 format. Before they can be installed on WLSE, they must be reformatted into
PEM formatted files. It is a good security practice to store the certificate and private key in separate files.
You can use the openssl command line tool from the OpenSSL open source project to do this.
Most Windows systems will not have the openssl tool installed, so it is usually easier to copy the
PKCS#12 certificate file to a computer that does support OpenSSL.
There are two steps involved:
Step 1
Step 2
Convert the PKCS#12 file to PEM format using openssl.
Split the resulting PEM file into separate certificate and private key files (optional).
The following command line converts the content of server.pfx from PKCS#12 to PEM and places the
result into server.pem:
openssl pkcs12 –in server.pfx –out server.pem
If the PKCS#12 file has been password protected, openssl will prompt you for the password. If the
conversion succeeds, the server.pem file will contain the certificate and private key in PEM format. An
example of a converted PEM file follows:
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
Bag Attributes
localKeyID: 01 00 00 00 Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0
friendlyName: 9191ccb399024e88287768944c8053cc_e0808bc1-0ea6-4702-85a9-1ccdee37a5c7
Key Attributes
X509v3 Key Usage: 10
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,B22C8C19F46F9824
Bag Attributes
localKeyID: 01 00 00 00
issuer= /C=US/ST=WA/L=Seattle/O=Engineering/OU=IT/CN=Root CA
You might want to split the certificate and private key into two separate PEM files for security purposes.
Since PEM is a text format, you can use any common editor (such as vi or emacs) to derive, for example,
server-cert.pem and server-key.pem from server.pem.
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Chapter 2 Generating Certificates
Certificate Generation with Windows CA
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